Medieval 2 Total War Russia

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Russia: Gameplay Information

The Russians have a history of absorbing foreign invaders within the vastness of their country. It was no different in medieval times when Christian Crusades and Mongol invasions had to be dealt with. The Russians have huge distances between the cities to cope with but this can be as much of a blessing as a curse as their enemies also have to deal with these distances. While Russia is not well endowed with quality infantry units (especially in the early stages), the Russian cavalry is of excellent quality, perhaps even the best cavalry roster available in the game. Being a Christian faction will not protect you from the whims of the papcy as orthodox Christians are seen in the same light as pagans, muslims & other heretics. Defending Russia from multiple crusades is a very real possibility.

Berdiche Axemen - Russia - Medieval II Total War - Grand Campaign: Wielding the mighty 'berdiche' these axemen strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, just before striking into the hearts of their enemies! Jan 02, 2014 Happy New Year guys:D! Part 1 of Medieval II Total War Russia Campaign is here. See ya next time, like if you enjoyed and subscribe for more:) -.

Table of Contents

Campaign Overview

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  2. Jan 26, 2016 Chronicle of the Raids of the Danes and the Great Northern War My name is Hiens Rhineheat, a scribe in the court of Emperor Fredrick I, ruler of Germania and Protector of the Faith of the Holy Roman Empire. I have been tasked to chronicle the battles of the war that has raged to the north of our mighty kingdom. The conflict, between the Viking houses of Denmark and the Republic of Novgorod.
  3. This is a mod which makes AI alot harder to beat because i have increased the amount they get a turn and there army size at the start NOt all factions are improved but here is the list - england - france - hre - spain - venice - sicily - milan - scotland - byzantium - russia - moors - turks.
  • Orthodox
Long Campaign Win Conditions
  • Take 45 Regions
  • Take Constantinople
  • Take Jerusalem
Short Campaign Win Conditions
  • Take 15 Regions
  • Outlive Poland
  • Outlive Hungary
  • Initial Money: 11000 Florins
  • King's Purse: 2500 Florins
Initial Settlement
  • Novogrod (Minor City, Capital) - Town Guard, Grain Exchange, Small Church, Dirt Roads
Initial Generals
  • Grand Duke Ysevolod (50, Faction Leader) - 6 Command, 2 Dread, 2 Authority, 3 Piety
  • Prince Vladimir (28, Faction Heir) - 4 Command, 0 Chivalry, 5 Loyalty, 3 Piety
  • Mikhail (25, Family Member) - 2 Command, 0 Chivalry, 5 Loyalty, 3 Piety
  • Miroslav (4, Junior Family Member)
  • Ivan (3, Junior Family Member)
Initial Admirals
  • None
Initial Agents
  • Chernek Grechinov (20, Spy) - 1 Skill
  • Radoslav (29, Bishop) - 4 Piety
  • Antonina (20, Princess) - 3 Charm
Initial Troops
  • General's Bodyguard - 3
  • Archer Militia - 6
  • Spear Militia - 5
  • Kazaks - 2
  • Woodsmen - 2

The Russians start with a single minor city and with no immediate threats so quick expansion is possible and indeed necessary because Poland & Hungary lie to the south-west and will conquer whatever provinces you fail to absorb into the Russian empire. Expanding through the 'safe' route in Scandinavia will bring you into conflict with Denmark. To the far south lie the Turks but before they can be encountered, you will likely have to face the Mongol Invasion if they invade in the northern part of the campaign map. It is very likely you will have to fight many battles on two totally separate fronts with huge distances to cross if reinforcements are required. A cool head and a certain amount of planning will be required to hold back the Mongols while simultaneously dealing with threats from Central & Western European factions.

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Recruitable Units

The following table contains all of the units that Russia can recruit in Multiplayer and Custom Battles. For the Grand Campaign, use the 'All' period with the following corrections:

  • Units in (Brackets) are mercenaries and therefore cannot be trained in campaign, although any general can recruit them in the field if he has space in his army and there are some available.
  • Units in [Square Brackets] cannot be recruited in campaign, they are for Multiplayer and Custom Battles only.
  • Units in Italics can only be recruited in certain regions (eg. The New World) or after a certain event (eg. The discovery of gunpowder).
Medieval 2 Total War Russia

Medieval 2 Total War Russia Guide

PeriodMilitia UnitsInfantryMissile InfantryCavalryMissile CavalryArtillery
  • Militia Cavalry
  • Peasants
  • Woodsmen
  • Spearmen
  • Dismounted Druzhina
  • Dismounted Boyar Sons
  • Peasant Archers
  • Druzhina
  • General's Bodyguard
  • Kazaks
  • Boyar Sons
  • Ballista
  • Catapult
  • Militia Cavalry
  • Crossbow Militia
  • Peasants
  • Woodsmen
  • Spearmen
  • Berdiche Axemen
  • Dismounted Druzhina
  • Dismounted Boyar Sons
  • Peasant Archers
  • Dismounted Dvor
  • Druzhina
  • General's Bodyguard
  • Kazaks
  • Boyar Sons
  • Dvor Cavalry
  • Ballista
  • Catapult
  • Trebuchet
  • Bombard
  • Grand Bombard
  • Peasants
  • Woodsmen
  • Spearmen
  • Berdiche Axemen
  • Dismounted Boyar Sons
  • Peasant Archers
  • Dismounted Dvor
  • Arquebuisers
  • Cossack Musketeers
  • Tsars Guard
  • General's Bodyguard
  • Boyar Sons
  • Cossack Cavalry
  • Dvor Cavalry
  • Cannon
  • Basilisk
  • Militia Cavalry
  • Crossbow Militia
  • Spear Militia
  • Archer Militia
  • Peasants
  • Woodsmen
  • Spearmen
  • Berdiche Axemen
  • Dismounted Druzhina
  • Dismounted Boyar Sons
  • Peasant Archers
  • Dismounted Dvor
  • Arquebuisers
  • Cossack Musketeers
  • Druzhina
  • Tsars Guard
  • General's Bodyguard
  • Kazaks
  • Boyar Sons
  • Cossack Cavalry
  • Dvor Cavalry
  • Ballista
  • Catapult
  • Trebuchet
  • Bombard
  • Grand Bombard
  • Cannon
  • Basilisk

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Constructable Buildings

Medieval Total War 2 Russian Units

Medieval 2 total war units

Medieval 2 Total War Mods


Building TypeVillageTownLarge TownMinor CityLarge CityHuge City
WallsWooden Palisade (Upgrade)Wooden Wall (Upgrade)Stone Wall (Upgrade)Large Stone Wall (Upgrade)Huge Stone Wall (Upgrade)
Improved TowersBallista Towers
BarracksTown WatchTown GuardCity WatchMilitia Drill SquareMilitia BarracksArmy Barracks
SiegeBallista MakerCatapult MakerSiege Works
SmithsLeather TannerBlacksmithArmourerHeavy ArmourerMaster ArmourerArmour Factory
Sea TradeMerchants' WharfWarehouseDocklands
TradeGrain ExchangeMarketFairgroundGreat MarketMerchants' Quarter
RoadsDirt RoadsPaved Roads
FarmsLand ClearanceCommunal FarmingCrop RotationIrrigation
ChurchesSmall Orthodox ChurchOrthodox ChurchOrthodox AbbeyOrthodox CathedralHuge Orthodox Cathedral
InnsBrothelInnTavernCoaching HousePleasure Palace
Town HallTown HallCouncil ChambersCity HallMayor's Palace
Ikonic ArtIkoner's StudioMaster Ikoner's Studio
Assassins' GuildAssassins' GuildMaster Assassins' GuildAssassins' Guild Headquarters
Masons' GuildMasons' GuildMaster Masons' GuildMasons' Guild Headquarters
Theologians' GuildTheologians' GuildMaster Theologians' GuildTheologians' Guild Headquarters
Merchants' GuildMerchants' GuildMaster Merchants' GuildMerchants' Guild Headquarters
Alchemists' GuildAlchemists' GuildMaster Alchemists' GuildAlchemists' Guild Headquarters
Thieves' GuildThieves' GuildMaster Thieves' GuildThieves' Guild Headquarters
Explorers' GuildExplorers' GuildMaster Explorers' GuildExplorers' Guild Headquarters
Swordsmiths' GuildSwordsmiths' GuildMaster Swordsmiths' GuildSwordsmiths' Guild Headquarters
Horse Breeders' GuildHorse Breeders' GuildMaster Horse Breeders' GuildHorse Breeders' Guild Headquarters


Building TypeVillageMotte and BaileyWooden CastleCastleFortressCitadel
CastleMotte and Bailey (Upgrade)Wooden Castle (Upgrade)Castle (Upgrade)Fortress (Upgrade)Citadel (Upgrade)
Improved TowersBallista TowersCannon Towers
StablesStablesKnight's StablesBaron's StablesEarl's StablesKing's Stables
BarracksMustering HallGarrisson QuartersDrill SquareBarracks
RangesBowyerPractice RangeArchery Range
SiegeBallista MakerCatapult MakerSiege Works
CannonsGunsmithCannon MakerCannon FoundryRoyal Arsenal
SmithsLeather TannerBlacksmithArmourerHeavy ArmourerMaster ArmourerArmour Factory
PortsPortShipwrightDockyardNaval Drydock
RoadsDirt RoadsPaved Roads
FarmsLand ClearanceCommunal FarmingCrop RotationIrrigation
MinesMinesMining Network
ChurchesSmall Orthodox ChapelOrthodox Chapel
Swordsmiths' GuildSwordsmiths' GuildMaster Swordsmiths' GuildSwordsmiths' Guild Headquarters

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