Dragon Age Inquisition Divine Election Points

Riot at Haven’s Chantry

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a huge game, and with all the branching story arcs, there can be several paths we miss, along with side paths that may contain additional minor loot that we won't.

  1. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire 'The elves are the children of the Maker, just as we are, and just as deserving of His grace.' 'I have been comrades-in-arms with elves. I would not see them harmed.' Dragon Age: Inquisition 'Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just. Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow.
  2. Dragon Age Inquisition Mage Class Builds This guide covers 5 different mage builds – one for each specialization, and two that take use of the primary four skill trees. We’ll be using level 18.

First: The Herald of Andraste
Previous: Mother Giselle

Dragon Age Inquisition New Divine

As the PC approaches the Chantry, they notice a large, loud crowd outside its doors, comprised of mages and templars.

Templar: Your kind killed the Most Holy!

Mage: Lies — your kind let her die.

Templar: Shut your mouth, mage!

The templar moves to draw his sword [or just backhand the guy I’m not sure], when Cullen intervenes, placing himself between the two.

Dragon Age Inquisition Choose Divine


Templar: Knight-Captain!

Cullen: That is not my title. We are not templars any longer. We are all part of the Inquisition!

He points angrily at the two offending parties as he speaks. Chancellor Roderick approaches.

Roderick: And what does that mean, exactly?

Cullen: Back already, Chancellor? Haven’t you done enough?

Roderick: I’m curious, Commander, as to how your Inquisition and it’s “Herald” will restore order as you’ve promised.

Cullen: Of course you are.

Cullen (to the crowd): Back to your duties, all of you.

The PC walks up to Cullen and Chancellor Roderick.

Cullen: Mages and templars were already at war. Now they’re blaming each other for the Divine’s death.

Roderick: Which is why we require a proper authority to guide them back to order.

Cullen: Who, you? Random clerics who weren’t important enough to be at the Conclave?

Roderick: The rebel Inquisition and it’s so-called “Herald of Andraste”? I think not.

Dialogue Options:

  • General: Why can’t we work together? [1]
  • General: I’m not the Herald (non-faithful PC only) [2]
  • General: We’re not so terrible. [3]
  • General: The “proper” authority failed. [4]

1 - General: Why can’t we work together?
PC: So far, you’re the only one who’s insisted we can’t work together.
Roderick: We might, if your Inquisition would recognize the Chantry’s authority.
Cullen: There is no authority until another Divine is chosen.
Roderick: In due time. Andraste will be our guide, not some dazed wanderer on a mountainside. [5]

2 - General: I’m not the Herald.
PC: I don’t believe I’m Andraste’s Herald any more than you do do, Chancellor.
Roderick: That laudable humility won’t stop the Inquisition from using the misconceptions when it suits them. [5]
Cullen: The Inquisition claims only that we must close the Breach or perish.
Roderick: You say that now commander. We shall see if the sentiment remains true. [5]

3 - General: We’re not so terrible.
PC: I don’t know, the Inquisition seems about as functional as any young family.
Roderick: How many families are on the verge of splitting into open warfare with themselves?
Cullen: Yes, because that would never happen to the Chantry.
Roderick: Centuries of tradition guide us. We’re not the upstart, eager to turn over every apple cart. [5]

4 - General: The “proper” authority failed.
PC: If the “proper” authority hadn’t completely failed, the conclave wouldn’t have been needed.
Roderick: So you suggest I blame he Chantry and exalt a murderer? What of Justice?
Cullen: That won’t help restore order in the here and now.
Roderick: Order will never be restored so long as this rebellion is allowed to fester. [5]

5 -Dialogue Options:

[Spoilers All] The Divine Election : dragonage
  • Investigate: Cullen, why is he here? [6]
  • Investigate: Is the mage-templar war large? [7]
  • Investigate: But who killed the Divine? [8]
  • General: I’ll return with good news. [9]
  • General: Good luck keeping order. [10]
  • General: I hope the trip is worth it. [11]

6 - Investigate: Cullen, why is he here?
PC: Remind me why you’re allowing the Chancellor to stay?
Roderick (to PC): Clearly your templar knows where to draw the line.
Cullen: He’s toothless. There’s no point turning him into a martyr simply because he runs at the mouth. The Chancellor’s a good indicator of what to expect in Val Royeaux, however.
[Back to 5]

7- Investigate: Is the mage-templar war large?
PC: How widespread is the violence between mages and templars?
Cullen: Impossible to say.
Roderick: Your whole organization floating the Chantry’s authority will not help matters.
Cullen: With the Conclave destroyed, I imagine the war between mages and templars has renewed. With interest.
[Back to 5]

8 - Investigate: But who killed the Divine?
PC: The mages and templars are fighting even though we don’t know what really happened at the Temple of Sacred Ashes?
Roderick: Exactly why this should all be left to a new Divine. If you are innocent, the Chantry will establish it as so.
Cullen: Or will be happy to use someone as a scapegoat.
Roderick: You think nobody cares about the truth? We all grieve Justinia’s loss.
Cullen: But you won’t grieve if the Herald of Andraste is conveniently swept under a carpet.
[Back to 5]

General: I’ll return with good news.
PC: I’ll make sure they see reason in Val Royeaux.
Cullen: I pray you’re right.

General: Good luck keeping order.
PC: Don’t let anyone riot while we’re gone.
Cullen: The walls will be standing when you return. I hope.

General: I hope the trip is worth it.
PC: Well, let’s hope we find a solution, and not a cathedral full of chancellors.
Cullen: The stuff of nightmares.

The PC leaves the conversation.

Next: Address the Chantry at Val Royeaux

Dragon Age: Inquisition Artist Matt Rhodes has shared a piece of artwork that appeared after the team debated the possibility of allowing players to become the next Divine, showing how a male Qunari Inquisition could attain the throne and what effect it might have had on others.

Dragon Age: Inquisition delivered a sprawling experience last month when it appeared on the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms. The title allows players to take control of a custom protagonist, either male or female, from four different races – Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Qunari. They then become the Inquisition, leader of the actual inquisition movement, and try to save the world.

Players were able to become the Divine

Besides already putting players in a position of power as the leader of the inquisition, BioWare also debated, at some point during the creation process, the possibility of allowing players to become the next Divine, one of the most powerful positions in the fictional land of Thedas.

There were even contingencies for player choices, according to concept artist Matt Rhodes, who confirms on his blog that players needed a certain amount of power to become the Divine, twice as much if they were male, and even more if they were a Qunari. Traditionally in the series, the Divine is a human female, so the obstacles make some sense.

Ultimately, however, the idea was scrapped as it broke the lore of the universe, not to mention some of the actual mechanics the studio wanted for the new game.

'Another one of those moments that never saw the light of day, but made for some interesting and heated discussion internally. We thought it would be interesting if you gained enough power you could name yourself Divine,' Rhodes explains.

'It would be twice as hard to do if you played as a male, and for the hardcore player it would twice as hard again to do it as a male Qunari. An effectively game and lore breaking act of heresy. Not even a little bit surprised we backed away from this one.'

Different choices can be made in the game

The concept artwork displayed above shows what impact a Qunari male as the Divine would have on two of the important characters in the game, Leliana and Cassandra.

Divine Election Guide? [Inquisition Spoilers] : Dragonage


Spoilers: In the actual game, you can choose to support Cassandra, Leliana, or even Vivienne and help them become the next Divine, as the actual story opens with the murder of the current one.

Check out our review of Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC.