Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso

Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso

Sonic 06 360 Iso

Roaming around at the speed of sound is the name of the game, usually. In Sonic Unleashed you will spend a significant portion of the game as a werehog version of Sonic. You’ll be slow and clumsy, much like the controls of this game. This was the game’s gimmick that was advertised to us as an attempt to mix up the Sonic formula but with such great day time missions that have you racing around as normal Sonic, being werehog Sonic feels like a sluggish mundane chore you mom makes you do to earn more videogame screen time.

Sonic the Hedgehog (P-06) promises to bring that console Sonic game on our platform via Unity Engine, and a demo is currently available for you to download. Sonic 06 is described as one of the worst Sonic games released to date, especially due to its awful story and cheese cut-scenes.

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 on Xbox One Can I pleeeeeeeease have Sonic 2006 on the list of playable games on Xbox One? I like just got the game yesterday, and I can't play it! This game and Sonic Unleashed were the real reason I got a Xbox in the first place.
  • Sonic comes into contact with this magical dark evil, causing him to become a werehog at night. Your job is to stop Dr. Eggman’s evil plan and fix the world. Fairly standard for a Sonic game. Gameplay & Level Design. Arguably every 3D Sonic game has had an issue with its camera controls and overall gameplay. You either are in the flow that.
  • Sonic Project 06 v2.5 by ChaosX. Publication date 2019-11-15 Topics Project 06, Sonic, fan game, indie, demo Language English. UPDATE CHANGELOG PROJECT 06 DEMO 2 11.


The game takes place after Sonic’s nemesis, Dr. Eggman blasts the world with a laser, causing it to fragment in his attempt to release an ancient evil called Dark Gaia. Sonic comes into contact with this magical dark evil, causing him to become a werehog at night. Your job is to stop Dr. Eggman’s evil plan and fix the world. Fairly standard for a Sonic game.


Gameplay & Level Design

Arguably every 3D Sonic game has had an issue with its camera controls and overall gameplay. You either are in the flow that the world has set up for you, or you’re stuck on the side trying to gain speed, only to be hit by one of the several chaotic obstacles that you often can’t see coming due to the camera pointing elsewhere. Unfortunately, Sonic Unleashed continues this pattern. But it doesn’t stop there, the game has you spend roughly half the game as werehog Sonic where you must fumble around poorly designed platforming stages along with simple combat where you fight mundane enemies. These sections of the game will make you question if the rest of the game is even worth the pain.

Best & Worst Parts of Sonic Unleashed

There is a light at the end of this tunnel, but first, let’s get the worst part out of the way. For some reason, the developers thought adding an RPG system would be a good idea. I’ve never met someone who thought Sonic needed an RPG system. It works as well as you’d expect. It’s a poor and needless RPG system, that will have you upgrading your werehog attacks and sonics speed. Why do I have to upgrade Sonic’s speed? Isn’t that the point of Sonic? He’s the fastest thing alive, but apparently, he needs to be upgraded. But wait, there’s more. They added hub worlds where you can do side quests and talk to pointless NPCs, I never spent much time here since it seemed like a rather useless area. But graphics is much better than used it's predecessor Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.

Beloved Features

Now it’s time for the light at the end of the tunnel. There is something special here for those who are big fans of the Sonic lore. There are plenty of secrets to unlock character art, character lore, and other collectibles. Added features like this are often missing from many big games today, which can rob fans of the chance to get to know the world they love.

Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso Extract

At the end of the day, I can’t say I recommend this game to anyone, as far as actually playing a game goes, the only redeeming quality is the day time levels where you race around in typical Sonic fashion, with the rest of the game feeling useless, unwanted, and boring. At best this is a game for small kids who are desperate to play any videogame, at it’s worst, Sonic Unleashed is something you give away for free at a garage sale.

Sonic 06 xbox 360


  • Nicely stylized
  • Good day time levels
  • Classic Story


  • Poor controls
  • Bad RPG elements
  • Wonky camera
  • Bad nighttime levels
Overall rating: 4
Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso

PS3 – Idioma: Inglês/Françês/Espanhol
Gênero: Plataforma 3D – Tamanho: 7.55 GB – Região: Free
Lançamento: 30 de Janeiro 2007Sonic the Hedgehog é um jogo de ação em plataforma 3D, que traz sua jogabilidade dividida em duas partes: as fases de exploração da cidade, nas quais deve-se conversar com outros personagens não jogáveis, comprar habilidades e golpes e cumprir pequenas missões; e as fases de ação e aventura, que são mais próximos aos jogos originais da série, com o personagem coletando anéis e enfrentando inimigos em cenários 3D.

Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Walkthrough


Comemorando o 15º aniversário da franquia, Sonic the Hedgehog estréia no PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360 como um jogo longo, no qual o protagonista deve salvar a Princesa Elise e recuperar as Chamas do Desastre (Flames of Disaster) e as Esmeraldas do Caos (Chaos Emeralds), as mesmas que perpassam outros títulos da série.

Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso Rom

Além do Sonic, que é a grande estrela, controla-se também o Shadow e o Silver, em momentos distintos do jogo. Cada personagem apresenta jogabilidade e habilidades diferentes, como o Sonic, que anda bastante rápido, o Shadow, que dirige veículos armados, e o Silver, que veio do futuro e tem poderes psicocinéticos, os quais lhe dão a habilidade levantar objetos e jogá-los nos inimigos, além de levitar.

A qualidade gráfica fica abaixo das possibilidades do PS3 e Xbox 360 e os sons também não se destacam, mas são mais condizentes com o espírito da série. Sonic the Hedgehog seria mais simples e divertido, com a dose certa de desafio, se não fossem os constantes erros, que vão desde pequenos problemas gráficos e de programação até defeitos que comprometem a jogabilidade, como a câmera, que não oferece visão mais ampla em momentos importantes, e o controle de alguns personagens, como o Sonic, que anda rápido demais.

Sonic The Hedgehog 06 Xbox 360 Iso