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On a search for the coolest Khajiit mods on the web? Well you’re in luck.
The Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Race mod is super simple: it adds a new race that aims to mimic the Saiyans that we see in the anime series. You’ll even get the ability to become a Super Saiyan yourself, so make good use of your newfound powers! Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Race. Not a mere status boost anymore, it literally turns you into a spectral dragon with the addition of animated wings and tail, shouts used exclusively by dragons, new powers and when combined with any flying mod out there is an amazing sight to behold. I do not force anyone to download these mods.
There are hundreds of Khajiit mods out there for Skyrim. And I don’t want you to going into an endless search testing god knows how many, so I’ve collected the best ones in a nice little list.
A small disclaimer before we begin, though. I’ve always been an Argonian person. And because of that I have to admit something:
I feel that this mod list came out even better than my Argonian-themed mod list, and I’m a bit tilted because of it. Good news for you, confusing feelings for me.
In any case check these out, give ‘em a go and tell me what you think of them!
15. Khajiit Speak
This mod id rated as one of the best you can download if you’re looking for a full game overhaul. So it naturally caught my eye as soon as I saw it for the first time.
It basically overhauls the entire way that Khajiits talk in the game, which enhances immersion by creating proper speech patterns on these felines to match the original intention of Bethesda, which wasn’t consistent across the game.
The creators of this mod truly outdid themselves. Honestly more than I originally gave them credit for.
The entire mod covers all dialogue in the vanilla game – and this includes all of the DLC and expansions too!
14. Khajiit – Sense of Smell
Man, this mod is so freaking cool. Imagine having the abilities of the Predator, but instead of it being some weird modern alien tech, you’re using your damn sense of smell to feel the location of your enemies.
This is awesome. I love it and fully recommend it.
The Sense of Smell ability gets added to your perk tree and you’ll be able to see a small colored cloud around your enemies, which represents your Khajiit sense of smell being put to the test.

13. Alternate Start
Is it just me, or does the original start of Skyrim not seem to fit a Khajiit? It just feels a bit… weird to see a Khajiit in such a bizarre situation.
Besides, aren’t you just tired of the old “hey, you’re finally awake”?
This mod will fit most Khajiit playthroughs much better, while also providing a change to the Skyrim story.
We’ve all been in the shoes of the captured adventurer multiple times. If we’re going to start the game as a Khajiit, it’s time for things to change.
Try this one out, set yourself for the ideal start for your roleplay, and see what story you can come up with.
12. Khajiit Ear Rings

We all know (probably) that the Khajiit are to Skyrim what gypsies are to Europe, and this Khajiit Ear Rings mod just fits them all too well.
The Khajiit culture is ingrained into Tamriel’s society. So it’s easy to tell they brought most of their jewelry from Elsweyr.
However, not all Khajiit have earrings0 And they’re rather impossible to find.
With this mod, though, you’ll be able to wear those earrings and craft them yourself. There truly isn’t anything to hate about this – it’s as lore-friendly as it gets.
11. Cover Khajiit – Better Khajiit Textures
Dial up your graphics with this freebie, it turns the basic Khajiit textures into something taken out of a Hollywood film.
It’s truly amazing what a small change in textures can do to a game.
And if you’re playing as a Khajiit, you’re going to want to use this.
Watch those pesky pixels get completely obliterated from your screen with this super HD replacement of all Khajiit skins!
10. SC – Khajiit Improvement
This mod also makes some changes to the textures of Khajiit in-game, but I’m adding it to this list because it also changes the way they “morph”.
Have you ever felt that emotions aren’t well expressed by these feline creatures?
If so, this mod will help a lot.
I mean, we all know that Skyrim characters have always seemed to lack emotion. But it becomes an even bigger issue with races like the Khajiit or the Argonians.
This mod reworks the way these cats move and interact with others, plus some graphics updates, so it’s worth a try to see if you like this better than other options.
9. Khajiit Sprint and Sneak
Well this is something I didn’t know I needed until I installed it.
I never really noticed how weird it was for Khajiit to move like regular people… until I gave this mod a go.
Minecraft Dragon Ball Z Server
Holy damn.
It just makes the movements of all Khajiit feel so realistic in some weird cat-like way, you know?
One would never think that any character movement in the game looks out of place. But once you install this mod, you will never be able to go back to the vanilla Khajiit-walk. Trust me.
8. Portable Campsite
Even though this mod isn’t directly a Khajiit mod per se, it’s one of the best you can get if you intend to role play as a Khajiit wanderer.
Use your campsite and rest at night after a long day of traveling, or light up your campfire in the woods to rest after a long walk.
Portable Campsite is the first mod that I recommend you download if you’re going for an immersive Khajiit playthrough.
It’s one you’ve gotta try first to see why it’s so great.
7. SRM Companion Cart
Now here’s another mod that fits the immersive RPG experience like no other.
This adds a companion cart that you can ride, which comes packed with things that’ll help a wary Khajiit on their travels.
Set up a camp and establish yourself as the most prominent wander-trader in the world of Tamriel. Assuming that’s your goal, of course.
6. Raj’Dya – The Khajiit-Themed Player Home
Skyrim is a long ways away from Elsweyr, but Raj’Dya is the closest you’ll get to feeling at home in the frozen lands of the north.
This mod adds one thing, and does it well: the best player house for a Khajiit that I’ve encountered in the Skyrim modding community.
It’s located in the northernmost part of the map, just above a small island that resembles a small desert, with a little shack that actually has much more on the inside than you’d think.
There’s no better place for a Khajiit to call home.
5. Your Market Stall
It’s cool to roleplay as a trader and all, but this mod takes it to the next level.
With “Your Market Stall” you’ll be able to actually set up a market stall and sell stuff to wanderers and citizens, really anyone that might come across it.
The idea is to have your own market and set it up around any city. But you can also have it set up on a road if you like, pretty much anywhere you can drum up business.
Now you can finally sell all those items at a fair price (or rip people off, up to you!)
4. Inigo – The Khajiit Follower
Why travel through the lands alone when you could have a fully-voiced companion by your side?
I’ve already reviewed Inigo in my other companion mods list, but I couldn’t help but recommend it here to my Khajiit-loving friends.
This is by far one of the best companion mods in the Skyrim community.
Being a Khajiit makes it an obvious choice for an immersive companion. But this is one dope MF’er to have with you too.
3. Khajiit Den and Tavern – The Scratching Post
It really sucks for Khajiit and Argonians to be judged so much by humans.
That’s why the Khajiit set themselves up with a fantastic tavern where only members of their own kin are allowed to access freely.
Well, with this mod anyway.
The Scratching Post is located on the outskirts of Riften. Pay it a visit and experience what it’s like to live among other Khajiit, without the fear of being judged by anyone!
2. Toggle Khajiit Night Eye
This mod allows you to use the Night Eye ability of the Khajiit whenever you see fit.
Activate and deactivate to your liking, all to access one of the most useful powers of this feline race!
You can also set how much power you want the ability to have, since it comes with toggle options too.
This brings much more depth to being a Khajiit (I mean, more than in the base game—I admit they’re pretty cool as they are).
1. Moonpath to Elsweyr
If you’ve been around the Skyrim modding community for a few years, then you already knew this mod was going to place first on my list.
Moonpath to Elsweyr opens up an entire new questline that will take you from the coldest cave in Skyrim to the hot deserts of Elsweyr, the motherland of all Khajiit.
This mod stands out as one of the best Skyrim mods out there – not only when it comes to Khajiit-related additions, but in general.
So if you’re looking for a real complete Khajiit playthrough I highly recommend starting with this mod first, then looking over the list to pick & choose some others.
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When it comes to fantasy worlds, few come as close as Skyrim to feeling so incredibly immersive. But it’s been out for a while, and we want more.
And what a fun way to push past the game’s limits than by exploring something totally new?
And so I’ve created a list really cool anime mods that don’t fit with the Skyrim theme at all… but create a world-class experience like no other.
Bear in mind that most of these mods are meant to be used in regular Skyrim, though. You can find some of them to be adapted for SSE, but most were made to work in the original game.
In any case, these anime mods will change the way you look at Skyrim and raise the question “what the hell is that thing doing over there?” on more than one occasion.
15. Gundam 00 Raiser Sword
This mod might have some of the worst textures that you’ll ever come across in the Skyrim modding community, but it adds the Raiser Sword of the Gundam 00 to the game.
Don’t you worry, my friend, the sword itself is not the same size as the one you see in the anime. It’s scaled-down so the Dragonborn can use it.
Which is actually even cooler.
That does raise the question of whether someone will make a mod to pilot a Gundam in Skyrim.
I’m pretty sure that would be overly complicated, but if anyone could do it, that would be pretty cool.
14. Gurren Lagann Solitude Shield
I’ll be completely honest with you: Gurren Lagann is the only anime on this list that I haven’t watched.
But I have heard good things about it, so I’m adding one GL mod to my list. To please the hardcore fans or anyone who knows the universe.
Besides, this mod only changes the design of the Solitude shield and replaces it with the Gurren Lagann logo.
I don’t think you need to know the series to understand what this mod is all about. It looks cool, though.
I might have to go watch it now…
13. Fire Alchemist Gloves (Fullmetal Alchemist)
You might be the Dragonborn, but it’s time for you learn the laws of equivalent exchange.
And maybe to wear the gloves of the legendary Roy Mustang.
They come with a fantastic 150% cost reduction to your destruction spells, which makes them some of the most reliable companions that an alch- I mean, that a mage could have.
You can find these at the Skyforge after installing this mod.
12. Pokémon in Skyrim
I mean, this mod is absolutely terrible. I think that’s what makes me love it so much.
It ‘adds’ Pokémon to the game, but in reality it only adds a spell that lets you capture creatures and retextures some of the animals to make them look like Pokémon.
When I say that it “makes them look like Pokémon”, I mean that it adds a crappy texture on top of existing Skyrim creatures. Which is awesome for a whole different set of reasons.
You can count on two things.
The first is that this mod is absolutely terrible.
The second one is that you have to download it!
It’s really surprisingly entertaining and I know you won’t regret. Well, you actually may regret it indeed, but you’ll have some fun nonetheless!
11. Fairy Tail Follower and Race Overhaul
Dragon Slayer races aplenty, Fairy Tail followers, and a cool bunch of new NPCs to enjoy.
This mod combines the Skyrim ambiance with Fairy Tail.
If you liked the series, you won’t necessarily like this mod (oddly enough).
But hey, in a world that seems to lack a lot of extra Fairy Tail goodies, this is as good as we’re going to get. Enjoy it!
10. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Race
Have you ever wanted to play Skyrim as a Saiyan?

If you did, I don’t know what you were smoking. But there’s a mod to suit your needs.
The Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Race mod is super simple: it adds a new race that aims to mimic the Saiyans that we see in the anime series.
You’ll even get the ability to become a Super Saiyan yourself, so make good use of your newfound powers!
9. Sharingan Powers
If you watched Naruto in its entirety, you’re going to love this mod and recognize every single power that comes with it.
In fact, if you’re like me, you’re going to feel like a kid at Christmas the first time you awaken your Amaterasu.
Sharingan Powers adds a bunch of Sharingan effects to the game, which range from Kakashi’s powers to those of Itachi.
It’s one of the best Naruto mods out there, as well as one of the best anime mods in the Nexus.
It’s very well done, but it does require the Dragonborn DLC to work.
8. Susanoo
Are you looking to bolster your defensive arsenal, but don’t feel like using a shield? Not to worry.
You can now summon the Ribgace ability from the Amaterasu as if you were Sasuke (or Itachi) yourself.
Why protect yourself, when you can have Susanoo do it for you?
Don’t get too excited, though. This mod doesn’t add the entire Susanoo to the game.
It does allow you to buy the spell tomes for the Ribcage defensive ability, but that’s it.
7. Saitama
Why play as an Argonian or as an Imperial when you can instead play as Saitama himself?
You won’t have to follow his strict training routine to get the best of him, so don’t worry.
Simply create your Saitama character and watch the Dragonborn become the world’s strongest but lesser-known hero: One Punch Man.
I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes.
He does kill enemies with one punch. What else did you expect?
6. Vasto Lorde
Bleach might have become an absolute disaster in its last handful of episodes, but we cannot deny that Ichigo is still one of the coolest characters to grace the anime world.
You could argue that he becomes a bit of a pansy as the show goes on, but there’s absolutely no denying that his Vasto Lorde form is as cool as its name sounds.
This is his second Hollow form, as you’ll probably know if you’ve watched the anime. Just be warned that your game will crash if you try to download this mod and install it in a save where your character is already transformed.
Best to try this out on a new save first, or at least have a backup save ready to go.
5. Zangetsu (All Forms)
Alright, there’s a reason why this mod takes a spot further up.
This allows you to play as all forms of Zangetsu.
It comes with all four forms, and the swords are as strong as Dwarven to Daedric (you can upgrade them as you see fit too).
If you asked me to recommend one Bleach mod for Skyrim, this would be it.
There are better Naruto mods, but this is as good as Bleach mods get. Give it a go.
4. Naruto Ultimate Overhaul
New weapons, new Naruto-inspired spells, new clothing items, new pieces of armor, and much more.
This mod truly converts the entire Skyrim world into a Naruto-themed environment that’s going to please even the most hardcore Naruto fans.
If you wish to create a weird hybrid between Skyrim and one of the world’s most popular ninja shows, then this is the mod for you.
3. Dragon Ball Z Overhaul Project
Well this far surpassed my expectations.
It allows you to use many of Dragon Ball’s most iconic abilities, but that’s not all.
The mod also replaces a bunch of the game’s basic sounds with those you hear in the anime, including the fantastic punching sounds we’ve all grown to love!
All of the powers that you can use with this mod come with the series’ voiceovers, so be ready to scream like Goku whenever you turn into a Super Saiyan.
Yes, it is as good as it sounds.
2. The Uchiha Clan
Skyrim Special Edition Dragon Ball Z Mod
Nord, Orc, Redguard, UCHIHA.
You can download this mod to create an Uchiha-race character, which comes with the ability to use the Uchiha Sharingan and many of the series’ most iconic abilities.
Get this mod together with the Naruto Ultimate Overhaul if you’re looking for the wildest Naruto experience in Elder Scrolls.
1. Death Note
This has to be the best anime mod that I managed to find.
It’s an exact recreation of the Death Note in Skyrim, which means that you’ll be able to write down anyone’s name and have them die one of four horrible deaths.
Skyrim Dragon Ball Z Mod 1 7 10
Programming this mod was probably a true pain in the ass. But it was completely worth it.
Now you can kill anyone in the game without lifting a finger – including characters that you’ve downloaded, too!
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